DOTC, DILG, PNP to enforce Anti-Kotong program

Transportation and Communications Secretary Mar Roxas said today the fight against kotong (mulcting) is the "frontline of the Pnoy government's relentless campaign for Matuwid na Daan (Straight Path)." He pledged that the Department of Transportation and Communication would support the Department of Interior and Local Government and Philippine National Police's joint Anti-kotong campaign to get rid of unscrupulous law enforcement officers and civilian employees.
"The DILG and PNP's Anti-Kotong program is crucial in getting the public's faith in the government, we laud this timely campaign," Roxas said during the launch of the Anti-Kotong Hotline at Camp Crame today.
Roxas said the campaign is well-glued with the government's aim of stopping wang-wang in all agencies of the administration. "When the President himself silences the wang-wang in his own car and convoy – people start to believe, have hope for the better, and they start to have faith in the government. We can do the same with Kotong."
The DILG/PNP Anti-Kotong Hotline was launched today at Camp Crame parade ground attended by key government officials from DILG, PNP, and DOJ [Department of Justice]. The program encourages the public to report dubious operations of some erring law enforcers by calling the hotline.
Roxas said kotong is not merely a problem in the law enforcement ranks that the government must attend to but also in all agencies and offices throughout the government.
"We will be watching this hotline closely since we are also facing the same challenges in our agencies. As partner agency for this campaign, we would like to learn from best practices," Roxas said.
Environment-friendly PUVs
Roxas also took advantage of the heavy presence of transport group leaders at the Anti-Kotong launch, highlighting the DOTC's program to provide financial assistance to the sector for the use of any ecology-friendly technology.
"We have the resources to help in the campaign to solve the pollution problem. That includes engine retrofitting or replacement, engine conversion to CNG, change a 10-year old engine to a new one, conversion that will make for better combustion, mileage efficiency," he said.
Pointing to the row of PUVs (taxis and jeepneys) in front of the grandstand, Roxas said the DOTC pilot project for new environment-friendly technologies in transportation will start in Metro Manila, and if successful, will be replicated in other parts of the country.
He added that the DOTC will study ideas on these technologies or systems – their contribution to anti-pollution and scalability – a system's ability to be made available, multiplied, or applied in several situations.
DOTC recently launched a five-year half-a-trillion infrastructure program aimed at improving the country's transport system in line with the department's goal of providing the people with affordable, reliable and safe transportation mode.
"We have started installing transparency and control in our systems. We are putting back due diligence and due process in all our contracts in line with Pnoy's 5Rs: Right project, Right quality, Right people, Right cost, and Right on time," Roxas said.
In policing the issuance of bus franchises that ply the major thoroughfare in the country, DOTC has also ordered the LTFRB to carefully screen new bus franchise applications, which is one of the causes of red tape or corruption in the agency.
"Just like other agencies, we are also beset with Kotong, hence we are open to any collaboration with DILG and PNP on similar efforts." (

Last Modified: 2024-Sep-11 02:04