6 ways to avoid misunderstandings for couple
2021-Oct-05 19:39
2024-Jul-19 21:29

Couples should always have constant communication even in small details to avoid fights or misunderstandings.
It will be helpful if both of you learn to listen and not to just talk. You have to understand what your partner is saying to avoid misinterpretation.
According to aha-now.com, "a misunderstanding can occur with or without any communication. The medium of communication can be a typical letter on paper, audio, face-to-face chat, video chat, or even a type of chat on the computer or a mobile."
Relationship expert Mudita Rastogi, Ph.D. said that "once couples get caught in a negative cycle of communication, they find it hard to correct it."
Luckily, there are ways or some adjustments that couples can do to prevent and resolve misunderstandings.
Here are the following ways on how to avoid misunderstandings for couple, according to psychcentral.com and wikihow.com.
1. Listen to your partner
Even if you have disagreements, you must listen to what your partner is saying. This is the first step that you must do to avoid misunderstandings with your partner. After listening to your partner, you may ask some questions if you wish to know more details about it.
2. Share how you feel to your partner
Once your partner is done sharing his or her sentiments, then it is now your turn to share your feelings with them.
As much as possible, be clear and direct in sharing your feelings with your partner and avoid lying about it.
Try to avoid using the term such as "You make me feel" instead start using the statement, "I feel."
3. Avoid having to be 'right'
Always remember that you are in a fight and not in a competition. No one needs to win or to be right. There is no need for rebuttal in a couple's fight.
Try to always care for your partner's feelings because at the end of the day, what should matter is that you love each other and you will not let small or big arguments break your relationship or marriage.
4. Stay focused on the issue
Stick with the issue and avoid including your past arguments or problems. This will only worsen your fight.
Avoid bringing unrelated issues during conversation to avoid further misunderstandings.
5. Take a short break if you must
Meredith Hansen, Psy.D, a clinical psychologist with a private practice for couples in Newport, California said that "when things begin to spin out of control, couples need to take an agreed-upon break and work on self-soothing during that time."
While you and your partner are on a short break, try to walk and practice breathing exercises to decrease the anger that you are feeling.
Once both of you are calm, then that is the time to start listening to each other's feelings.
6. Apologize if necessary
Don't let your pride ruin your precious relationship or marriage. If you think you unintentionally hurt the feelings of your partner then apologize and acknowledge your wrongs.
Once both of you are done with your fight or conversation. Try to reflect on everything that you have said or done ask forgiveness from your partner.
Communication is always the foundation in marriage or any type of relationship. Always remember that you and your partner are on the same team. Try to always express your feelings to your partner in a calm way.