PNP chief: CDO crime scene processed before being cleaned

Philippine National Police Director General Alan Purisima Tuesday said the crime scene in Cagayan De Oro in Friday's bistro blast, which killed eight people, was only cleaned after it has been combed and processed by investigators for forensic evidence.
He issued this statement following reports that Interior Secretary Mar Roxas III scolded Cagayan De Oro police officers in Cagayan de Oro for their alleged failure to preserve the crime scene at Limketkai Center.
Roxas ordered the reconstruction of the crime scene.
After the incident, Purisima said authorities finished the processing of the crime scene around noon Saturday.
The investigator on case subsequently approved cleaning the area.
The blast took place around 11 p.m. Friday.
Purisima said investigators have gathered all the evidences they need before the place was cleaned up.
The PNP chief said they are still studying possible liabilities of Sr. Supt. Graciano Mijares, Cagayan De Oro police chief, for his failure to prevent the incident from happening. (PNA)

Last Modified: 2025-Jan-25 02:03