Sen. Marcos: Why import when harvest season has begun?

Sen. Imee Marcos
Sen. Imee Marcos slammed the Department of Agriculture'S (DA) plan to import 4,000 metric tons of onions right as local farmers have started their harvest.
"Harvest season has begun, yet here we go again with another round of imports! Haven't we learned our lesson? Prices drop during harvest time! Why bring in imports now when we know this would mean losses for our farmers?" Marcos lashed out.
She condemned what she called a "senseless importation" and criticized the lack of action against hoarders manipulating onion prices just like what happened in 2022.
"We keep importing, but what's being done about those stockpiling onions in cold storage? Even if we have enough supply, prices will still skyrocket if hoarders are in control!" Marcos pointed out.
With imported onions set to arrive by February 20, Marcos issued a strong warning: "Before bringing in imports, make sure you're not burying our farmers' livelihood in the process!"

Last Modified: 2025-Feb-11 10:59